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Erika Hassan

Erika met Juliu Horvath in 1993 in New York City, where she had moved to study dance. At that time, her technique consisted mainly of equal parts force and desire, and she was extremely grateful to find a teacher who could guide her into the inner-workings of her own dance. She trained intensively with Juliu for the next 5 years in the Gyrotonic Expansion System. She went on to perform with Maureen Fleming, Jennifer Muller/The Works, Zen Companhia de Danca, Min Tanaka and Soulskin Dance Theater as well as to create her own solo work. From 2007-2013 she was Juliu Horvath's primary demonstrator and assistant in his courses. Erika is a Specialized Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Master Trainer. She travels the world teaching workshops and trainings and creating her own dance.

GYROKINESIS Cardiovascular Breathing Course
Progression 1
13-15 Oct 2023

Base fee: HK $ 4290
Studio fee: HK $ 2574
Total: HK $6864


GYROKINESIS Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 1

13th Oct 2023 (Fri) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 4:30pm

14th Oc
t 2023 (Sat) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 4:30pm

15th Oct 2
023 (Sun) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 4:30pm


The Gyrokinesis Cardiovascular Breathing Program, developed by Juliu Horvath, offers a path to respiratory health in uniquely designed progressions that allows each person to stay in the individual comfort zone while expanding the functional range with a sense of ease.

All circulatory systems of the human body are stimulated systematically, leading to an increase in the flow of blood, nutrients, oxygen and other gases, and as well as hormones to and from cells.

In the progression one course, the students learn the fundamentals of the movement and breathing patterns.

Length of the class format: 3 days
,each class between 45 to 60 minutes.

Upon completion of the course, trainers who don’t already have a Gyrokinesis trademark license (that is, you only have a Gyrotonic license) will be required to purchase and sign a Specialized Gyrokinesis Trademark License Agreement with the Headquarters. This license costs USD 100.

GYROKINESIS Cardiovascular Breathing Course
Progression 2 
17-19 OCT 2023

Base fee: HK $ 4290
Studio fee: HK $ 2574
Total: HK $ 6864

GYROKINESIS Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 2

17th Oct 2023 (Tue) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 4:30pm
18th Oct 2
023 (Wed) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 4:30pm
19th Oct 2023 (Thur) 10am- 1pm and 2:30
pm- 4:30pm

Licensed GYROTONIC Trainer or GYROKINESIS Trainer.
GYROKINESIS Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 1

In this course, the trainers expand on the exercises sequences covered in the Progression One Course, learning new sequences, with additional stimulation of the circulatory system while deepening the understanding of progression one. This course includes a warm up sequence for the cervical spine. From the layperson to the athlete, one can achieve progress in a short time that would otherwise require strenuous exercise routines to attain the same depth.

Length of the final class format: 3 days , each class approx. 60 minutes

Upon completion of the course, trainers who don’t already have a Gyrokinesis trademark license (that is, you only have a Gyrotonic license) will be required to purchase and sign a Specialized Gyrokinesis Trademark License Agreement with the Headquarters. This license costs USD 100.

Pre-Training Course
21-23 OCT 2023

Base fee: HK $ 2730
Studio fee: HK $ 1716
Total: HK $ 4446

GYROTONIC Level 2 Program 2 Pre-Training Course
21st Oct 2023 (Sat) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm
22nd Oct 2023 (Sun)10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm
23rd Oct 2023 (Mon)10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm

Must be a lic
ensed Gyrotonic Level 1 Trainer (successfully complete the final certificate course) for a minimum of 4 months before registering for this course.

This three day course introduces Gyrotonic Trainers to the Level 2, program 2 exercises and prepares them for the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 2 Course.

Students will complete the level 2, program 2 course within one year after completing this pre-training course.
3 Days Training

GT Level 2 Program 2 Course
25th Oct 2023 (Wed)10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm
26th Oct 2023 (Thur)10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm
27th Oct 2023 (Fri) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm
28th Oct 2023 (Sat) 10am- 1pm and 2:30pm- 5:30pm

Successful completion of the Gyrotonic, Level 2, Program 2 Pre-Training Course.

In this Course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 2 exercise sequences. This course builds on the Gyrotonic, Level 1 exercise curriculum by introducing exercise sequences that are more demanding in regards to strength, flexibility, and coordination. Exercise sequences include: an advanced handle unit series with emphasis on flexibility, and strength, an advanced hamstring series with an emphasis on flexibility, and strength, two advanced, standing, upper body sequences, an advanced floor work series, and an advanced abdominal series with an emphasis on flexibility and strength.
4 Days Training

Program 2 Course
25-28 O
CT 2023
Base fee: HK $ 4290
Studio fee: HK $ 2574
Total: HK $ 6864

I want to join the training course(s)!Sign me up! (Please enter the course name(s) you are interested in:))

**Priority will be given to trainers who can join Both Progression 1 and Progression 2 of
Cardiovascular Breathing Course (6 days)
**Priority will also be given to trainers who can join BOTH level 2 program 2 pre-training and level 2 course (7 days)
** Daily schedule of each course might subject to change. We will inform participants the confirmed daily schedule 2 weeks before course starting date.

                                                                        ©2019 by Moto Studio

GYROTONIC ®, GYROTONIC ® & Logo, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM ® and GYROKINESIS ® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

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